American Cancer Society

While there was no proof vaping caused cancer, the fear was it was a gateway due to the faster nicotine delivery, and much higher nicotine content. Vape companies marketed to teens making it look cool.


•Conducted teen/parent research to see what each really knew about vaping. Teens were operating on “friend facts”, parents, each other.

•Our opportunity was with the parents. They knew surprisingly little and even that was inaccurate.

•We would talk to parents in their language and Truth (with 6X the budget) continued with teens. Aligned messaging so what was being said to teens, we explained to parents.

•Leveraged our experts in tobacco control, chief medical officer, policy advocates in DC, and a global tobacco scientist to create multiple fact snippet videos based on the science and research that was available.

Helped parents easily understand the facts—but more importantly explain it to their teens.


2 :30 spots of a teen talking directly to parents. $16K on YouTube = +4M impressions, 43% view completion (benchmark is 28%).

$20K on FB/IG = 5.8M impressions. Parents wanted more info. Bingo. Landing page so parents could see info from science, advocacy, health and legal, + latest news and findings about vaping 53% watched the videos.

TV and radio stations asked for the content as PSAs.

While we’ll never know how many parent/teen conversations were prompted by the campaign, it was worth it if we saved even a few teens from being addiction wired for life.


Project Two